Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 97 (“Tainted Tea Party”) and 98 (“People Who Need People”). I’d say more, but I’ve run out of words. Just completely.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 97 (“Tainted Tea Party”) and 98 (“People Who Need People”). I’d say more, but I’ve run out of words. Just completely.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 95 (“Birthday Blues, Part 2”) and 96 (“Hello, Sailor Mini Moon”) and NO. NO WE’RE SUPPOSED TO BE RID OF YOU.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 93 (“Individual Happiness”) and 94 (“Birthday Blues, Part One”) and HOW DARE YOU FORGET THE BIRTHDAY WE NEVER TOLD YOU. ALSO BOYS.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 91 (“Friendly Foes”) and 92 (“Mixed Emotions”). She thought they would take her wheels. But in the end, her wheels took her! … Her cousin!
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 89 (“Lita Borrows Trouble”) and 90 (“Damp Spirits”) and… swimming I guess? Cousins? Swimming cousins? Sounds about right.
Where were we? Here’s a short explanation.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 87 (“Swept Off Her Feet”) and 88 (“Blinded By Love’s Light”) features the return of everyone’s favorite ship. Everyone’s. EVER.
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 85 (“Driving Dangerously”) and 86 (“Bad Harmony”) lemons are… uh… and violins… are… uh…….
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour S, where it’s time for some All-Star Mode! At last, after our long hiatus we return for our third season. Sailor Moon S begins now! This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 83 (“Crystal Clear Again”) and 84 (“Star Struck, Bad Luck”) and is the first episode to feature FangzV in her new role as our fifth host!
Alternative title: “Do Your Thing, Moon Mama!”
Download The Full Unedited Riff Here!
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour R, where the R stands for Romance! This is the final installment of R, the long awaited Sailor Moon R movie! Featuring two musical… “performances!” One is an old classic you’ve heard before, the other is a new one that was difficult because none of us speak Japanese (or can sing)!
We hope you enjoy our riff of the Sailor Moon R movie, and we’ll see you in January for the beginning of Moon Prism Power Hour S!
Welcome to Moon Prism Power Hour R, where the R stands for Romance. This week’s Power Hour covers episodes 81 (“Final Battle”) and 82 (“Follow the Leader”) and is our season 2 finale. R is over! Next week… THE MOVIE.