Youko is the online moniker for Peter Spezia – the creator of the Show Me Your News Network! He is a graduate of the University of Michigan, with a degree in Screen Arts and Cultures (film and TV studies). He currently is pursuing a Master’s degree from Oakland University in Communication (Media Studies) and does video production work for Chrysler.
Video games are important to Youko. Many franchises are important to him, such as Pokémon, The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, and Ace Attorney – to name a few. His gaming history began with a Game Boy Color in 1998 and a GameCube in 2003. Since then, his collection has grown a great deal, with games for each of the three major consoles. Whether it is experiencing the classics or learning about the latest in the industry, Youko’s gaming knowledge is always growing.
Youko works on many shows for the network, as it is his creation. In addition to WRUP, he hosts Show Me Your News!, WTF, Pokémon!?!, Down the Sidelines, and also contributes to SMYN Top Ten.
You may follow Peter Spezia on Twitter @smynyouko.
You may follow Kelly Brown on Twitter @TheBuzzSaw.
You may follow Miles Allen on Twitter @AYFD.
You may follow Tony Mattingly on Twitter @TonyTH_GHH.