What is WTFP?

“WTF, Pokémon!?!” (WTFP) serves as a loving, critical analysis to the anime which many of us grew up with. Youko and SwordHunter look beyond the nostalgia goggles at each episode in the Indigo League and Orange Island seasons to uncover the errors, logical mistakes, plot holes, and poor writing. The show began in April 2008, as two episodes of WTFP were released every week. However, in October 2008, burn-out set in, along with some issues with YouTube copyright and the former video hosting service Revver. In March 2011, the show came back to life with a much higher quality, with the help of graphic artist Phil and the video service Blip.tv. From episode 49 on, the hosts went on a terrific run before the final Orange Island episode (118) in July 2012. The show’s future plans are currently up in the air, with movies and specials promised, but the SMYN Network is proud to host this great series! WTFP’s show format is as follows…


Youko makes a Pokémon noise and SwordHunter kicks off the banter before the theme song.


The analyzed episode is summarized in less than sixty seconds. Youko handles the odd-numbered episodes and SwordHunter takes the evens.


A countdown from five to one occurs regarding the biggest flaws in the analyzed episode. “Who’s That Pokémon?” is also covered, but nobody cares about that.


A recap of the Bottom Five, links, and shout-outs take place. Pretty standard fare, there.


Youko and SwordHunter respond to a comment that stood out to them in the past week.


After the ending theme, a couple additional jokes from the episode are made, which usually involve other pop culture references.

Any other frequently asked questions about the show are answered in this 30-minute documentary about the behind the scenes process of WTFP.

For any further questions, please contact us at wtfpshow(AT)gmail(DOT)com