Tag Archive for minecraft

Episode 97: Banned in Bed

Meta Knight Ban, Steve Jobs’ Passing, and Xbox Gets TV are discussed. Also, Golden Vault Games’ Big Announcement and Uncharted 3’s Subway Promotion in the Soapbox segment, a Thought on the new television season, The New Face of Gaming is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Smash veteran, MvC3 aficionado, and great friend of the show Gimpyfish is our guest! Mailtime is also featured – Master WGS poses a lengthy dilemma! Youko, TheBuzzSaw, Super, TonyTH, and Gimpyfish break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Gimpy’s in Bed

Episode 96: Thoughts in Tokyo

Tokyo Game Show, Netflix/Qwikster, and Your Smash 4 Fix are discussed. Also, 5 Ways to Tell You’re Getting Too Old for Games and Extra Creditz in the Soapbox segment, a Thought on Games We’re Interested in this Fall, Games Transfer Phenomena is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! No guest this week! Mailtime is also featured – have the hosts ever gone on a ‘wiki walk’ before? Youko, TheBuzzSaw, Super, and TonyTH break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Hi, Kadree!

Episode 95: Link is a Racist

Ambassador Program, 3DS Extension Slide Pad, and Dragon Quest X are discussed. Also, Minecraft 1.8 and Ca(t)com Problems in the Soapbox segment, a Thought on 9/11’s Tenth Anniversary, the Cumming Gamestop Slip-Up is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Master WGS and DarkBomber join us from Box of Danger, providing their wonderful insight and humor. Mailtime is also featured – what are the hosts’ biggest “guilty pleasure” games? Youko, TheBuzzSaw, Super, TonyTH, Master WGS, and DarkBomber break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: My Little Pony/Racist Comments

Episode 84: I Am Raging Raven

April Fool’s, 3DS Early Impressions, and Smithsonian Gaming Exhibit are discussed. Also, Sonic Generations, Minecraft’s Release Date, Jack Tretton the Fool is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! TheBuzzSaw was very sick for this episode, but apparently he is the one that keeps Youko’s RAGE in check. Or Livestream shouldn’t have gotten sick along with Buzz. Or maybe the topics made Youko grumpy. Or maybe it was the sudden 80 degree weather after a week of sleet and rain. So SwordHunter is the guest this week! Mailtime is also featured – are the hosts so happy they could ride a pig? We’ll give you one guess. Youko and SwordHunter break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Sexy Sax Man, The Masters, PUPPEHS

Episode 77: Game of the Year Awards

Episode 77 of Show Me Your News is the most epic one of all time. And that’s in a year where the word “Epic” has been used liberally in video games. While this isn’t a live episode, it is something Youko has been working on for about three weeks now. Basically, take the Spike VGAs. Then throw it out, because that is getting old and rotten. And then go buy some SMYN Game of the Year Awards. Except you aren’t buying it because it’s free.

Youko was trying for fangasm here. Are you not entertained?

Download the musical numbers here:
Time for Show Me Your News: http://www.showmeyournews.com/podcast/audio/SMYNsuits.mp3
Closer (Die 2010): http://www.showmeyournews.com/podcast/audio/SMYNcloser2010.mp3