Tag Archive for lawsuit

Episode 164: Going Rogue with Changes

New 3DS Stages in the Smash Bros. Update, EA Access, and ContentID hits Twitch. Also, PlayStation Now open beta launches, Assassin’s Creed: Rogue is revealed, an absurd lawsuit against Sony is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! Our guest is GymLeaderBen, from Read the Manual and other SMYN Network shows, as we also discuss the changes to our supported group of podcasts. Youko, Solharath, TonyTH, and GymLeaderBen break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Spooky Scary Skeletons

Watch this episode in video form (or download the audio at the bottom)


Super: Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Project M
Ben: Project M, Spelunky, Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Tony: The Walking Dead: Season Two – Episode 4
Youko: The Wolf Among Us, Rock Band 3

Headline 1: Smash Bros. Update – 3DS Stages: Paper Mario, N’s Castle, Game Boy
Headline 2: EA and Xbox One partner for Netflix-like “EA Access” program
Headline 3: Twitch applies ContentID to on-demand videos
Hilarity of the Weak: Lawsuit against Sony because PS4 game is not 1080p

PlayStation Now open beta launches
Evolve delayed to February 2015
Assassin’s Creed: Rogue revealed
Bioshock coming to iOS
Fish Plays Pokémon

The Last of Us Remastered

Super: Hellsing Ultimate Abridged: Episode 1
Ben: Wildcats: Tuxedo Mask
Tony: Lawnmower Dreams
Youko: The Questionably Roundtable: Episode 1 AND Support SMYN Network with Patreon

Read the Manual
Moon Prism Power Hour
RTM Radio
The List
Follow Ben on Twitter

Episode 108: Supercast Brothers M

Project M Demo 2 Hype, Project X Zone, and Halo 4 Info are discussed. Also, Monster Planet is our Hilarity of the Weak and much more! Shadic, Falco400, and Strong Bad from the Project M team join to discuss everything related to the imminent Demo 2 of their game, plus Gimpyfish stops by as well! Unfortunately, Youko was unable to attend the show, due to scheduling and voice-related issues, but Super and Tony hold down the fort for this long episode! Super, TonyTH, Shadic, Falco400, Strong Bad, and Gimpyfish break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: Youko is Missed and Gracious

Episode 68: Com in Cologne

Gamescom, Bioshock Infinite, and Scott Pilgrim are discussed. Also, from Gamescom, new MvC3 characters, Portal 2 release date, Mass Effect 2 on PS3, and much more! Mailtime is also featured: what do the hosts have to say regarding high school advice? Youko and TheBuzzSaw break down the latest news from the gaming world! Easter Egg: YoukOmake – E3 First Night