Tag Archive for 4k games

Episode 129: An Assassin’s Destiny

PlayStation 4 revealed, Bungie reveals Destiny, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag are discussed. Also, the future of offline single-player and BattleBlock Theater in the Soapbox segment, Fox New’s reaction to George Washington DLC is our Hilarity of the Weak, and much more! We finish the show with a thought on desert island games – which game would the hosts play if they were stranded? Youko, Super, and TonyTH break down the latest news from the gaming world!

Easter Egg: The Completionist as a guest


Headline 1: Sony reveals PS4
Headline 2: Bungie reveals Destiny
Headline 3: Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Hilarity of the week: Fox News and the George Washington outrage

Pokémon X/Y rumors
PS4 won’t support 4K games, 3D not a focus
Zelda: Oracle games coming to 3DS Virtual Console
New PS All-Stars characters (Isaac/Zeus)
KH HD 1.5 Remix heading West

Crysis 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, ACIII: Tyranny of King Washington

Youko: Crytek says offline single-player has to go
Tony: Getting back into Pokémon
Super: BattleBlock Theater

If you could only take one game with you to a desert island, which would it be?