Porky’s Theme, Frigate Orpheon, Subspace Movie, Kirby’s Hats, Team Healer, and Co-Op Events are discussed along with guest co-host TheBuzzSaw while Youko is out of town! A discussion on competitive Smash with Scav and M3D is also featured. SamuraiPanda, along with guests Colbusman, Pyroloserkid, and Mic_128 break down the latest news from the Brawl world. Easter Egg: Giggity
Archive for Season 2
Episode 25: The Pandacast Numero Uno
Category: Podcast Episodes, Season 2 |
Tags: brawl, co-op, colbusman, competitive, dojo, frigate orpheon, giggity, kirby's hats, m3d, melee, mic_128, nintendo, porky's theme, pyroloserkid, samuraipanda, scav, subspace movie, super smash bros, team healer, thebuzzsaw, wii
Episode 23: Real Men Use Items
Returning Pokémon, Friends List, and Basic Brawl are discussed in addition to a Brawl Viewpoint on Boss Battles! “Rumor Central” debuts with the SamuraiPanda Conspiracy Theoracy and more. Youko and SamuraiPanda, along with guest TheBuzzSaw, break down the latest news from the Brawl world. Easter Egg: Youko’s Computer Disaster, Mortal Kombat
Category: Podcast Episodes, Season 2 |
Tags: basic brawl, boss battles, brawl, computer disaster, conspiracy theoracy, dojo, friends list, kidartist, melee, mortal kombat, nintendo, returning pokemon, rumor central, samuraipanda, super smash bros, thebuzzsaw, wii, youko
Episode 21: Now That’s Just Cold
Training, Color Changes, and Final Smash Times Two are discussed in addition to a Brawl Viewpoint on Konami and Sega in Brawl! Mailtime is also featured. Youko and SamuraiPanda break down the latest news from the Brawl world. Easter Egg: Modulated SamuraiPanda
Category: Podcast Episodes, Season 2 |
Tags: al calnos, brawl, brawl viewpoint, color changes, dojo, final smash, konami, melee, modulated, nintendo, samuraipanda, sega, smashbroslover3918, super smash bros, training, wii, youko