So it’s that time – one year comes to an end while another is about to begin. So you all know, I am working on a special episode of SMYN to be released this weekend. It will be a TOP 25 countdown of my favorite SMYN moments and a retrospective of sorts on things past, giving insight into things that you may not have known before. I’m putting a lot of work into it, so I hope you are all excited.
So what did I get for Christmas? Hmm…
– 1 TB external harddrive with e-SATA connection (up to 3.0 GB/sec transfer rate) – does anybody know how to format a harddrive of this size from NTFS to FAT32??
– Digital Camera, inherited from my parents
– The Orange Box (360)
– NHL 09 (360) – stupid Best Buy has it backordered, so it’ll be another week
– $25 AMC Theatres gift card
– …socks.
It could have been better, but it could have been worse too. Really nice to spend it with the family.
Anyway, here’s where you get to provide some feedback. Everyone has New Year’s Resolutions, so what are three of yours? Here are mine.
Work out/Exercise more – At 6’0″ and 140 lbs, I’m a stick. I’ve got to build SOME form of muscle and some physical endurance wouldn’t hurt either. That’s right, it’s the opposite of the all too common “lose weight” resolution.
Be more of a social being – As I wrote about in a past blog, I need to get out more. How involved I’ve become online has actually hindered me in this regard. I’ll continue SMYN every other week and I’ll update this blog, plus I don’t know how things will change with my 21st birthday in February, but I should hang out with friends more and maybe make more friends? Wouldn’t hurt, right?
Get a girlfriend – OK, here’s one most of us can relate to. I’m sick of wallowing after my brutal breakup a year and a half ago. She’s already got another boyfriend and I need to be a stronger person and move on. Unfortunately there are a lot of barriers to break down. *sigh* We’ll see how that goes.
Feel free to share your resolutions if you want – I’m being pretty open with you guys.